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Valve Sizing

  • Relief Valve Sizing - TVI uses Farris' Sizemaster software to validate new valves in applications.  This software not only sizes valves based on volume or mass flow, and steam, but also can be used for two-phase flow. This software can be installed at customers' locations either in a stand alone or network environment.  TVI and Farris provides factory and on-site training for the use of this software.  TVI provides sizing and validation sheets for all customers for all applications as requested at no charge.
  • Valve Automation Sizing - Manu suppliers offer actuator sizing software to ensure actuators are properly sized for each application.  TVI can either size actuators for applications and provide data sheets or provide access to to the software for customers.  In addition, TVI has developed a proprietary valve automation system that ensures all aspects of your valve package is built to your specifications.